Nov 2017
TDBM 5.0 is released
We are tremendously happy to announce the first stable release of TDBM 5.
What is TDBM?
If you came to this page without a previous knowledge of Mouf, here is what you need to know:
Jun 2017
Quickstarting a Mouf application with a database
The Mouf patcher system has been updated in the last month. In this blog post, we will see how to quickstart an application and set up easily a data model with some test data in it.
Installing Mouf and the database patcher
First step: let's get started with a Mouf application:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "src/"
"require": {
Oct 2016
Building beautiful datagrids with TDBM 4.2 and Evolugrid 5.2
With the combined release of TDBM 4.2 and Evolugrid 5.2, building datagrids has never been easier.
Here is a quick sample.
Let's say you want to display a user list.
Now, your controller will look like this:
Jun 2016
Official release of TDBM 4
Today, we are very proud to announce the release of TDBM 4, the ORM that comes with the Mouf framework.
Want a preview? Take a look at those slides:
or head directly to the documentation
Mar 2016
Announcing Mouf 2.1 first beta release
Today, I'm really proud to announce the first beta release of Mouf 2.1.
This first beta release only adds one feature... but a major one.
Starting with Mouf 2.1, the Mouf container is compiled!
This means that when Mouf is instantiating a new object, instead of looking in the MoufComponents.php
array how to build the object, it will directly execute PHP code that generates the
Jun 2015
Mouf + Magento + PSR-7 = Moufgento
Today, I am really thrilled to announce Moufgento: a modern MVC framework for Magento.
Why should I care?
Moufpress is a bridge between Magento and the Splash MVC framework used by Mouf.
Jun 2015
Standardizing the way we put things in a container VS standardizing the way we read things from a container
While discussing the entrance vote for PSR-11 (container interoperability), a number of comments have been made. I would like here to focus on one comment, fairly well expressed by Larry Garfield here (thanks Larry), and supported by Jan and Bernhard.
So the whole point i
Jun 2015
Container interoperability PSR: possible use cases
In the past few days, the entrance vote for PSR-11 (the container interface) has been all the rage on the PHP-FIG mailing list (and on Twitter).
We have had a lot of great feedback from very interested people, and generally, the response to this proposal has been very positive.
Jun 2015
Container-interop + PSR7 = cross-framework module system
2 weeks ago, PSR-7 was finally accepted. It is an absolutely huge step towards framework interoperability. At last, we can build Middlewares, with applications that share a common domain side-by-side.
This code snippet is from Zend Stratigility, a middleware system based on PSR-7:
May 2015
New in Mouf: a console!
Mouf has always be (and will always be) about having a nice graphical interface to perform development tasks (mostly dependency injection related, but not only...)
Still, there are many cases where a command line tool can be invaluable: on a production server, or on a test environment, we need a command-line interface to be able to automate deployment tasks. So far, Mouf did not offer an out-of-the-box solution for these