Jun 2013

New in Mouf 2: improved validators

Mouf has had self-check validators for quite a long time now. And for quite a long time, it was possible to extend those validators in your packages.

It was possible, but not complely easy, as you add to write several conf files to set them up.

This time is over! Now, you can write your own validators in a breeze, just by extending one interface.

Jun 2013

What's new in Mouf2

In this article, I will add every day what's new in the upcoming Mouf 2.0 release!

This article will be regularly updated as we add new features to Mouf 2.0

Major changes

  • The Mouf packaging system has been completely deprecated and replaced by Composer, that will very certainly become the new de-facto packaging standard.

Minor changes

    Jun 2013

    Announcing Mouf 1.0 - Mouf's first stable release

    Hi guys! I'm really thrilled to announce the first stable release of Mouf: v1.0. We have been working on Mouf for several years now, and achieving the 1.0 milestone has been our main objective for 3 years. In 3 years, Mouf has gone from a pet project to a complete eco-system, entirely based on graphical dependency injection. Using Mouf, we have managed to

    Jun 2013

    Mouf at the PHP Forum Paris

    J'ai eu la chance de pouvoir faire une présentation de Mouf lors d'un lightning talk au PHP Forum à l'AFUP. Un grand merci à tous les participants qui auront dû se concentrer pour suivre cette très rapide présentation et n'hésitez pas à venir me voir si vous souhaitez une démo. Les slides de la présentation sont téléchargeable ci-dessous ou consultables en ligne:

    Jun 2013

    Announcing Mouf 0.9 - First official release of Mouf

    We are proud to announce the first officiel release of Mouf. Labelled Mouf v0.9, you can download it from the download page. Why did we start with version 0.9? Even if there has been no official release of Mouf yet, Mouf has been in development for more than 3 years. Actually, some packages in Mouf have been started 6 years ago! So it deserves better

    Jun 2013

    New: weak instances coming to Mouf

    Mouf is now supporting weak instances. Any instance can now be declared "weak". When a "weak" instance is no more referenced, it will be automatically garbage-collected. This will help you keeping big projects clean by making sure any unused instance is indeed destroyed instead of polluting your workspace. Click here to learn more about weak instances

    Jun 2013

    New documentation feature : introducing video tutorial!

    We inaugurate a new era for Mouf documentation with a brand new feature : video tutorials.

    And here it is :

    Jun 2013

    New in Mouf: documentation support for packages

    A good package should always be documented. But where should this documentation go? On a website to be easily accessible? Inside the package so you can find the documentation even after the package is no more maintained and the website has gone blank?

    In this new release of Mouf, we solved the problem of the documentation by using a double sided technique:
    When you write a package, you can now put the documentation i