Miscellaneous featuresA quick comparison with Doctrine

Memory management and batches processing

Starting with TDBM 3.3+, you can use advanced methods for a more efficient memory consumption.

This is typically useful when you want to fetch large datasets from the database.

Let's assume you have a big "users" table with 100.000 records and you want to perform some processing on each row of the dataset. You will typically write:

$users = Mouf::getUserDao->findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    // Do stuff

If your dataset is big enough, you are almost sure to get an out of memory error.

Why? The $users array keeps a reference of all UserBean objects that have been fetched from the database. Therefore, as the array fills, the memory gets low.

What you want to do is to get a cursor instead of an array of results. As you iterate the cursor, it will not keep a reference of records that have already been processed in the foreach loop.

To do this, you simply need to use the cursor mode:

$users = Mouf::getUserDao->findAll();
foreach ($users as $user) {
    // Do stuff

In cursor mode, the $users variable is no more an array, but a PHP 5.5 Generator.

Using the cursor mode has a number of drawbacks. In particular, the cursor cannot be rewinded. This means you will not be able to perform 2 successive "foreach" on the data set. Furthermore, you cannot access the data set via indexes (like you would in a typical array).

If you retry the sample code using cursor mode, you will see that your processing will begin, but you will still end up with an out of memory error.

Why? Because TDBM keeps a second reference to all beans in the TDBMService. You do not have direct access to this reference, but hopefully, you don't have to bother about it. All you need to do is install the weakref extension. With this extension enabled, and cursor mode enabled, TDBM will be able to manage memory much more efficiently, and only keep track of beans you are actively using.

To sum up, if you have very large datasets to fetch, you should use the cursor mode on your data sets and install the weakref PHP extension.
Miscellaneous featuresA quick comparison with Doctrine

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