
TDBM internals


All beans extend the AbstractTDBMObject class. This class represents a bean. A bean is usually linked to one row in one table but can be linked to many rows in many tables is DB inheritance is used (a primary key of one table is also a foreign key).

Therefore, a AbstractTDBMObject object contains:

  • A list of $dbRows (A DbRow object represent a row in one table)
    • As soon as the object leaves the "detached" mode, this array is supposed to be sorted from parent to child table.
  • $status: the status of the current object

A DbRow object contains the following properties:

  • $dbRow: the data contained by the object, as an array of column => value
  • $primaryKeys: the list of primary keys to access this object, as an array of column => value
  • $status: the status of the current object


AbstractTDBMObject and DbRow can have the following statuses:

  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::STATE_DETACHED: when an object has been created with the new keyword and is not yet aware of the TDBMService instance.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: empty
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: no
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: no
  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::STATE_NEW: when an object is known from TDBMService but not yet stored in database. This happens after calling the TDBMService->attach method on a detached object.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: empty
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: yes
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: no
  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::STATE_LOADED: when an object has been loaded from TDBMService and is not modified. This happens after calling the TDBMService->getObject for instance.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: set
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: no
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: yes
  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::STATE_DIRTY: when an object has been loaded from TDBMService and is modified. This happens after calling the TDBMService->getObject for instance, then calling a setter on the bean.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: set
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: yes
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: yes
  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::NOT_LOADED: when an object has been lazy-loaded from TDBMService and no getter has been called on it.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: set
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: no
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: yes
  • TDBMObjectStateEnum::DELETED: when an object has been deleted using TDBMService->delete.
    • DbRow::$primaryKeys: it depends on original state (before call to delete)
    • TDBMService::$toSaveObjects: no
    • TDBMService::$objectStorage: no

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