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Fine installation guide


Fine comes as a Composer package and requires the "Mouf" framework to run. The first step is therefore to install Mouf.

Once Mouf is installed, you can process to the Fine installation.

Install Fine

Edit your composer.json file, and add a dependency on mouf/utils.i18n.fine.

A minimal composer.json file might look like this:

        "require": {
            "mouf/mouf": "~2.0",
            "mouf/utils.i18n.fine": "3.0.*"
        "autoload": {
            "psr-0": {
                "Test": "src/"
        "minimum-stability": "dev"

As explained above, Fine is a package of the Mouf framework. Mouf allows you (amoung other things) to visualy "build" your project's dependencies and instances.

To install the dependency, run php composer.phar install

This composer.json file assumes that you will put your code in the "src" directory, and that you will use the "Test" namespace and respect the PSR-0 naming scheme. Be sure to create those directories (src/Test) before running the install process. If you do not understand what "namespace" or "PSR-0" means, stop right now, and head over the autoloading section of Composer and the PSR-0 documentation.

At this point, the Fine packages should be downloaded and installed (and Mouf should be set up). Start the Mouf admin interface at http://localhost/{yourproject}/vendor/mouf/mouf There is an install process to run, so just run it.

Fine install screenshot Fine install screenshot

The Fine install process will: - Create a "fine" instance of the "Fine" class. The "fine" instance contains the global configuration for Fine (default resources path, language detector, etc...).

Configure your instance

In the edit interface you can change the language Detection and the file path where resources are saved.

Fine menu

There are many possiblity to detect the language. - With the user browser - By domain: this is a list to set each language to domain name - Fixed: only one language fill

The second option is the file path where the translation will be stored. Be sure to create the folder before use the fine package.

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