Using filters
Splash supports the notion of "Filter". A filter is a piece of code that can run before or after an action. There could be many reason why you want to run a filter: - Check that a user is logged before starting an action - Check that the action is performed on an SSL channel - Initialize some frameworks, ...
Below are sample filters:
* @URL /test
* @Logged
* @RequireHttps("yes")
function deleteUser($password) { ... }
This sample provides 2 filters: - @Logged is used by Splash to check that the user is logged. If not, the user is sent to the login page. - @RequireHttps is used by Splash to make sure the action is run on an HTTPS channel. If not, an error message is displayed.
Note: the @Logged filter is not part of the base distribution of Splash. Indeed, Splash is in no way an authentication framework. However, if you are using the mouf/security.userservice package, you might want to add the mouf/security.userservice-splash package that provides this usefull @Logged annotation.
Please note the @RequireHttps annotation accepts one parameter. This parameter can be:
- By passing @RequireHttps("yes"), an Exception is thrown if the action is called in HTTP.
- By passing @RequireHttps("no"), no test is performed.
- By passing @RequireHttps("redirect"), the call is redirected to HTTPS. This does only work with GET requests.
There is a third default filter worth mentionning: The @RedirectToHttp filter will bring the user back to HTTP if the user is in HTTPS. The port can be specified in parameter if needed. The filter works only with GET requests. If another type of request is performed (POST), an exception will be thrown.
Developing your own filters
You can of course develop your own filters. Each filter is represented by a class.
To create a filter:
- The filters must extends the Mouf\Mvc\Splash\Filters\AbstractFilter class
- The namespace of the filter must be Mouf\Annotations
- The name of the class is the name of the annotations + "Annotation". For instance, a @Profile filter would be implemented using the Mouf\Annotations\ProfileAnnotation class.
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