Settings and error handling
You can configure Splash using the "splash" instance. Here is what the "splash" instance looks by default:
The Splash class requires 2 properties to be filled: - log: This is the logger used by Splash. - http404Handler: The class in charge of rendering HTTP 404 errors. Bind to your own class to override default behaviour. - http500Handler: The class in charge of rendering HTTP 500 errors. Bind to your own class to override default behaviour. - cacheService: The cache service used to store the routes. - supportsHttps: Whether your server should support HTTPS or not.
Note: the DEBUG_MODE config constant is used to decide whether stack traces should be displayed or not in case an exception is thrown.
If you take a look at the http404Handler and http500Handler, you will notice they use a template, based on Bootstrap. You can of course change this template to your own template or a special template in order to provide a consistant user experience.
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