Mouf integrationWriting controllers

Universal service provider

Splash provides a service-provider to be easily integrated in any container-interop/service-provider compatible framework/container.

If you need a complete working sample, check the Splash standalone installation guide.

Registering the service provider

You need to register the Mouf\Mvc\Splash\DI\SplashServiceProvider into your container.

If your container supports Puli integration, you have nothing to do. Otherwise, refer to your framework or container's documentation to learn how to register service providers.


This service provider will provide a default Splash router.

It requires an instance of Doctrine's annotation reader to be available.

Note: you can get a service provider providing a Doctrine annotation reader using the following packages:

composer require thecodingmachine/doctrine-annotations-universal-module

It will use a PSR-6 cache if the cache is available. Note: you can get a service provider providing a working PSR-6 cache using the following packages:

composer require thecodingmachine/stash-universal-module

This will install Stash and its related service-provider.

Expected values / services

This service provider expects the following configuration / services to be available:

Name Compulsory Description
thecodingmachine.splash.controllers yes A list of controllers entry identifiers in the container (it is an array of strings, each string is the entry of a controller)
Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Reader yes An instance of Doctrine's annotation reader.
CacheItemPoolInterface::class no The PSR-6 cache pool used to cache the routes
LoggerInterface::class no An optional PSR-3 logger
thecodingmachine.splash.mode no The mode Splash runs into. Can be one of SplashUtils::MODE_STRICT or SplashUtils::MODE_WEAK. Defaults to SplashUtils::MODE_STRICT.
thecodingmachine.splash.debug no If true, Splash will display an error with the 'echoed' output in strict mode. Defaults to true.
thecodingmachine.splash.root_url (or root_url) no The base URL of the application. Defaults to '/'.

Provided services

This service provider provides the following services:

Service name Description
SplashDefaultRouter::class The Splash router
thecodingmachine.splash.route-providers A list of "route providers" for Splash (an array of UrlProviderInterface). Each route provider is in charge of feeding routes to Splash. By default, this array contains an instance of the ControllerRegistry that scans routes of the controllers.
ControllerRegistry::class Instance of ControllerRegistry.
ParameterFetcherRegistry::class Registry class referencing all parameter fetchers
thecodingmachine.splash.parameter-fetchers Array of ParameterFetcher objects
SplashRequestFetcher::class An instance of SplashRequestFetcher (to autofill the attributes type-hinted on the ServerRequestInterface)
SplashRequestParameterFetcher::class An instance of SplashRequestParameterFetcher (to autofill attributes from the request)

Extended services

This service provider registers the SplashDefaultRouter::class in the MiddlewareListServiceProvider::MIDDLEWARES_QUEUE.

Service name Description
MiddlewareListServiceProvider::MIDDLEWARES_QUEUE Adds the Splash middleware to this queue (to be used by external routers)
Mouf integrationWriting controllers

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