Read meEvolugrid options

Using Evolugrid with the Javascript standalone library

In this tutorial, we will see how to use Evolugrid in Javascript only (using the evolugrid.js file).

Let's get started with a very simple use case:


<div id="#list"></div>

Javascript part

$(document).ready(function() {
        url: "/mypath/search",
        limit  : 50

As you can see, the model is not passed as an option to the evolugrid plugin. This is because we will pass with the data returned by /mypath/search.

Data returned by the Ajax call (/mypath/search)

The Ajax call will be performed on your server. Evolugrid will add automatically those GET parameters:

  • limit: The maximum number of rows that should be returned
  • offset: The place in the dataset where we should start
  • output: This is either "json", or "csv" (in case the user requested an Excel/CSV export)
  • sort_key: The key to sort upon (if a sort has been requested on a column)
  • sort_order: The sort order (if a sort has been requested on a column). Can be "ASC" or "DESC"

Note: evolugrid can add additional parameters (see search filters for more information)

    'descriptor': {
        'columns': [
                'title': 'Label',
                'display': 'label',
                'sortable': true,
                'escapeHTML': false,
                'cssClass': null
                'title': 'Creation date',
                'display': 'creation_date'
    'data': [
            'id': 12,
            'label': 'row one',
            'creation_date': '12/12/2012'
            'id': 15,
            'label': 'row two',
            'creation_date': '02/10/2014'
    'count': 142

As you can notice, the data is passed as a JSON string. It is split in 3 sections:

  • descriptor: the descriptor contains additional configuration data for the grid. Almost any parameter that can be passed as an option to the evolugrid plugin can also be passed/overwritten in the Ajax call (hence the name "evolugrid")
  • data: this is the actual data that will be displayed in the grid (you only pass what needs to be displayed)
  • count: the total number of rows the result set contains

Have a look at the list of available options

Available methods

A few methods are available on your Evolugrid object :

  • refresh: This method allows the user to manually refresh the data displayed on the Evolugrid. This method is called as below :
  • cvsExport: This method gives the opportunity to download the displayed on the evolugrid as a CSV file. This method is called as below :

Available events

  • newRow: event triggered when a new row is added to the Evolugrid. Event signature: function(event, tr, data) {...} where tr is the <tr> element and data is the JSON data for the row
Read meEvolugrid options

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