Dependency injection


The Mouf PHP framework: an open-source PHP framework providing an easy way to download, install, use and reuse components, with a graphical user interface.



Splash is a PHP router. It takes an HTTP request and dispatches it to the appropriate controller.



The Database Machine is a PHP ORM that requires no configuration. The object model is deduced at runtime from the database model.


A PHP hydrator allowing easy mapping between an array and an object.



An object oriented wrapper on top of php-amqplib helping work with RabbitMQ in a more object oriented way.



This package contains a really minimalist dependency injection container that can be used to create aliases of instances in existing containers.


This is a simple installer that let's you create simple Composer packages that are actually downloading and extracting an archive from the web.


Provides a way to find in which PHP files a class will be looked upon.


CMS controller helps user to create and manage their own pages


This package allow you to auto generate functional CMS components.


Fix code style automatically


This package contains a PHP dependency injection container detector and aggregator. The idea is to have potentially one DI container per composer package and to aggregate all those containers into a 'root' container.


This package contains the everaldo icon set. This is a set of icons that can be used in any web application.


This package only contains a basic interface for implementing common DAO methods. Those DAOs will be used by BCE forms among other things.


This package only contains basic interfaces for implementing data sources.


This package contains object to perform database connections. Connections are performed using the PDO library. Therefore, the PDO extension must be enabled to use this package. This package will allow you to connect to MySql and PostgreSql databases. The DB Connection class has special features to help you get informations about the database schema, and especially about the constraints between tables.


This package provides a set of classes that can be used to create 'aggregation' table containing high-level statistics about your database. The DB_Stats can be used to initalize the aggregation tables and automatically create triggers that will update data in real time.


This package contains wrapper classes that make Doctrine DBAL easy to use in Mouf


This package contains wrapper classes that make Doctrine ORM easy to use in Mouf


A database patch system designed for Mouf than enables developers to know what patch has been run and what needs to be run on its environment. This package adds database support to the Mouf patch system (mouf/utils.patcher).


This package contains classes useful to generate SQL statements such as SELECT queries, etc...


A binding package between thecodingmachine/tdbm-graphql and the Mouf framework


This is the Famfamfam silk icon set, wrapped into an easy to use PHP composer package.


Getting things done is a project helping you having a full featured development environment, featuring the Mouf2 framework and the most common libraries working with Mouf2 (MVC framework, ORM, etc...)


This package contains the HtmlElementInterface interface that can be used to output HTML on a page. It also features base classes implementing this interface.


This package contains the rendering mechanism of the Mouf framework. It is a mechanism allowing packages/templates/developers to overload a default template for various HTML objects.


This package contains a set of Twig extensions and utility class to ease the use of Twig templates in Mouf.


This package contains a pure PHP object representation of HTML5 tags. There is one class for each existing HTML tag, and one getter/setter per attribute.


This package contains a Mouf template based on the Twitter Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS library, along a Mouf installer file to add the template easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains a Mouf template based on the Twitter Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS library, along a Mouf installer file to add the template easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains a single class in charge of rendering a 'Menu' instance in HTML using the toHtml() method. The rendering is performed using <ul> and <li> tags.


This package contains a menu that is displayed as a ribbon at the top of the screen. The class is in charge of rendering a 'Menu' instance in HTML using the toHtml() method.


This package contains a template for the Mouf administration interface. The content is automatically adjusted to the website page to use all the width. Anyway, you can use this component as a model if you like.


This package contains the definition of an HTML template (the TemplateInterface interface) and an helper class to build HTML templates easily (the BaseTemplate class).


This package contains an installer for the Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS library in the Mouf framework to add Bootstrap easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the CK editor library with an installer for the Mouf PHP framework.


This implementation of a Weblibrary will load different JS files based on the current language used. Useful to load translation files in JS.


The Javascript/CSS library manager is a PHP class in charge of keeping track of the JS and CSS files that have been included so far in a web page. Basically, you tell the Javascript/CSS library manager to import a JS/CSS file and it will make sure it is included, only once, and that all dependencies are included as well.


This Mouf package contains a Composer installer that will automatically create WebLibrary instances when a 'bower' package is installed in Composer. It is designed to be used only with Mouf's WebLibraryManager. Bower compatibility provided thanks to francoispluchino/composer-asset-plugin


This Mouf package contains a Composer installer that will automatically create WebLibrary instances when a 'component' package is installed in Composer. It is designed to be used only with Mouf's WebLibraryManager.


This package contains basic widgets representing HTML tags (select, input, etc...). Each widget is fully customizable, and benefits from an 'edit' mode, thanks to the basewidget package. Please note this package comes with a smaple CSS file you can use as a starter.


This package contains the foundation of the Mouf widgets. It does not contain any component or any widget. On the other hand, it will add a menu to Mouf that will help you switch all widgets in 'edit' mode. In 'edit' mode, widgets in your application display an 'edit' icon that will bring you directly to the Mouf edition page.


This package contains a color-picker widget based on jQuery colorpicker module.


This package contains the EvoluGrid widget. This is an HTML/Ajax datagrid that can be used to display data. It's main difference with other datagrids is that you can chage the set of columns dynamically depending on the paginated results you are looking at.


This package contains an upload widget based on File Uploader plugin. This allows easy uploading of files in AJAX or HTML5.


This package contains PHP objects representing common HTML form elements, along renderers.


This package contains an upload widget based on the 'jQuery file upload' plugin. This allows easy uploading of files.


This package contains objects describing a menu of an application. The menu is described, but this package does not render the menu in any way. You will have to use another package to render the menu in HTML. Usually, templates will provide their own menu renderers.


Use this package to display info/warning/error messages to the user on a web page. Using the SessionMessageService class, you register messages to be displayed. Using the MessageWidget class, you display the error messages in your templates.


This package contains the opengraph support for mouf


This package contains a pure PHP object representation of a select box rendered with the jQuery Select2 plugin.


This PHP package contains a HTML pivot table. You provide it with a data set and the list of columns and rows and it will display a nice pivot table.


This module provides a MVC framework, right into Drupal, based on the Splash MVC framework (designed for Mouf-PHP).


This is the Drupal module used by Druplash, the MVC framework for Drupal


This package contains bindings between the Mouf and HybridAuth, a great library to implement social logins (on Facebook, Twitter, etc...).


A MVC framework for Joomla based on Mouf and compatible with Splash MVC


This is the component that interface Mouf with Joomla


This is the custom router to plug Mouf with Joomla


Moufgento is a modern MVC framework for Magento, based on the Splash MVC framework (designed for Mouf-PHP).


This package is the Magento module associated to Moufgento, a modern MVC framework for Magento, based on the Splash MVC framework (designed for Mouf-PHP).


A MVC framework for Wordpress based on Mouf and compatible with Splash MVC


This is the Wordpress module needed to run Moufpress, a MVC framework for Wordpress based on Mouf and compatible with Splash MVC


This project is a very simple extension to the Silex microframework. It adds to Silex the capability to use any DI container (not only Pimple).


This package contains an implementation of the Symfony 2 DI container that can be extended using other DI containers (from other frameworks).


This package contains the ACE Javascript code editor (and a Mouf wrapper installer).


This package contains functions to upload file in Ajax or HTML5.


This package contains the History.js library, along a Mouf installer file to add History.js easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the jqBootstrapValidation plugin for Bootstrap. It features an installer for the Mouf framework.


This package contains the JQuery library, along a Mouf installer file to add JQuery easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the JQuery ColorPicker library. This plugin can be used to display color pickers to pick up any color in a web page.


This package contains an install script that installs a WebLibrary that can be used to easily integration the jquery-file-upload library in Mouf.


This package contains the jQuery FileTree library, along a Mouf installer file to add JQuery FileTree easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the JQuery UI library, along a Mouf installer file to add JQuery UI easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the JQuery Validator. It allows developers to easily validate forms, using CSS classes.


This package contains the SyntaxHighlighter javascript library, along a Mouf installer file to add SyntaxHighlighter easily in your Mouf project.


This package contains the Underscore javascript library, along a Mouf installer file to add Underscore easily in your Mouf project.


A very clever library to help you with SQL: generate prepared statements with a variable number of parameters, automatically writes joins... and much more!


This package contains 2 utility class representing a row and a datasource, using magic query.

This module is used to add Google Analytics integration javascript into your web site.


This package provides a set of classes that can be used to easily integrate with Paypal instant payment, Paypal subscriptions and IPN mechanism.


The Mouf-installer package is a composer in charge of installing any package with the 'mouf-library' type.


The mouf-validators-interface package contains interfaces your classes can implement to provide self-validation in the Mouf interface.


BCE is made to make your live easy. It will help you in building forms very quickly, handles form rendering, both client and server-side validation, and persistance.


This package contains a jQuery file upload based field descriptor and renderer for BCE. This will help you build forms with HTML5 file upload capabilities.


This package contains a jQuery select2 based field renderer for BCE. This will help you build forms with nice select boxes.


A binding package between thecodingmachine/graphqlite and the Mouf framework


This project is a very simple extension to the Silex microframework. It adds Mouf dependency injection capability to Silex.


Integration of Splash with the Mouf framework.


This package contains the Mouf user interface for Splash


An installer package that let's you install NodeJS and NPM as a Composer dependency.


This package is a full-stack implementation of a OAuth2 server for Mouf framework based on phpleague/oauth2-server package.


This package contains a really minimalist dependency injection container compatible with container-interop.


This project is a very simple extension to the Pimple microframework. It adds to Pimple compatibility with the container-interop APIs.


This package contains a really minimalist dependency injection container that acts as a proxy in front of a target container. Its goal is to prefix all instances names in the target container.


This package contains a PHP DI container detector and aggregator. The idea is to have potentially one DI container per composer package and to aggregate all those containers into a 'root' container.


A package that offers utility tools to analyze database schemas (on top of Doctrine DBAL)


This package contains a basic user/role/right database model for TDBM.


A 'forgot your password' feature for Mouf security.


The interfaces to implement when working with mouf/security.forgot-your-password.


This package contains a wrapper of Zendframework Ldap component who dialogue easily with Ldap.


A set of class to manage the rights of users in web-application. You should use this package if you want to restrict access to some parts of your web-application to some users only (for instance if you want to make an 'admin' section that is only accessible to the adminsitrator).


This package contains a set of class to bind the Splash MVC framework (>=v4) with the RightsService component. It features: a @RequiresRight annotation to restrict access to logged users only.


This package contains a simple Splash controller to log into an application. The controller can display a simple form with username/password choice, and has actions to login/logout the application.


A set of user interfaces for managing users (listing users, setting roles, etc..)


The interfaces to implement when working with mouf/security.user-management-ui.


This package contains an implementation of a UserDao, that stores the application users in a simple PHP file. It can be used together with the MoufUserService to provide easy access management to an application. Since the users are stored in a PHP file, this very special DAO does not require a database!


A set of PHP class to manage log-in and log-out of web applications and that integrates with Mouf.


This package contains a set of class to bind the Splash MVC framework (>=v4.0) with the UserService component. It features: a @Logged annotation to restrict access to logged users only.


This package contains a set of extensions over Mouf's userservice.


This package provides a StackPHP middleware that can be used to plug a Silex application


This package provides a StackPHP middleware that can be used to use a Symfony application as a middleware (instead of an app)


This package contains an interface used by many objects to say they can do stuff. Actually, they can perform one particular action and has been designed for that. The action performed is completely up to the implementer (sending a mail, storing a result in database, displaying something on the screen...) The concept is very simple, and very powerful at the same time.


This package contains common classes that implement the ActionInterface interface (from the mouf/utils.action.action-interface package).


This package contains a cache mechanism that relies on the APC caching system. For this cache to work, the APC Pecl package must be enabled.


This package only contains the interface that must be implemented by caching classes. Unless you want to implement your own caching method, you should import a cache package that will use this interface. For instance, common.utils.session-cache, or common.utils.file-cache.


This package contains a cache mechanism that relies on temporary files.

This package contains the most basic cache mechanism. It stores cache items in an array. It means the cache is flushed as soon as the script returns. It is very basic, but also very fast. You will usually use this mechanism with another one just behind.


This package contains a cache mechanism that relies on the Memcached database. For this cache to work, the memcache Pecl package must be enabled.


This package contains a cache mechanism that relies on the Memcached database. For this cache to work, the memcached Pecl package must be enabled.

This package contains a cache mechanism that... does not cache anything. This is useful if another component requires a cache mechanism and if you don't want to provide any (for development purpose...).


This package contains a user interface that will add a 'Purge PSR-6 cache' button to Mouf, allowing you to purge any PSR-6 cache pool easily.


This package contains a user interface that will add a 'Purge cache' button to Mouf, allowing you to purge any PSR-6, PSR-16, Doctrine and Mouf cache easily.


This package contains a cache mechanism that uses Redis to cache data.


This package contains a cache mechanism that relies on the session of the user. Therefore, the cache is a bit special, since it is kept for the duration of the session, and is only accessible by the current user. The session has to be started (using session_start()).


This package contains one interface for condition, and a few classes that implement it. For instance, AndCondition that requires all conditions to be met, and OrCondition that requires at least one condition to be met. A condition is a class that possesses an 'isOk' method. The condition returns true if the condition is met, and false otherwise.


Provide an install script for a Doctrine's AnnotationReader in Mouf Framework.


Provide an install script for a Doctrine's Cache in Mouf Framework.


Formatters are simple classes that transform a string into another. For instance, a formatter could be used to format a date, translate a string, put a string in bold, etc... This package contains the formatter interface, plus a number of useful formatters.


This is a legacy non-OO package and should not be used in recent developments. A simple package that provides functions to get the parameters from the request in a consistent way. The varaiables can be rerieved in a way that is independent of the php.ini configuration file. Especially, it can cancel the effect of the dreadful 'magic_quotes' parameter.


A simple package that provides functions to get a lock. Typically, you want to use locks when you want to be sure that 2 actions do not happen at the same time. For instance, if you regularly schedule cron tasks, you might want to be sure the last cron task finished before running the new one. A lock can help you do that.


This package contains a set of utility classes that will help you build UI for Mouf. This is mostly useful for package builders if they want to provide advanced UI, etc....


This package contains an interface used by objects to say they can paginate data. The concept is very simple, the object implements a paginate method that takes a limit and an offset, and that's it!


This package contains an interface used by objects to say they can sort data. The concept is very simple, the object implements a sort method that takes a key (the sort column) and a direction, and that's it!


Provide an install script for a Doctrine's AnnotationReader in Mouf Framework.


This package contains an interface used by many objects to say they represent a URL. The concept is very simple, the object implements a getUrl method, and that's it!


This package contains typical validators to be used in your application. A validator is a class that decides whether a string is valid or not. For instance, you could use an EmailValidator to validate that a string is a mail, etc...


This project contains a simple PHP exception that can aggregate multiple exceptions in one.


A console for the Mouf PHP framework.


This package contains a simple installer for Mouf that will create a constant 'DEBUG' in your project and initialize it to true. Useful for packages supporting a 'debug' mode.


This package contains a simple installer for Mouf that will create a constant 'SECRET' in your project and initialize it to some random value.


A patch system than holds a list of patches and tells what patch has been run and what needs to be run on its environment.

Images handler that will generate image thumbs and serve them when displayed (like the drupal image styles services)

Images handler interface for resizing, croping, or any other action.

Wrapper around the Imagine library, that allows to associate a set of Imagine Filters to an URL, like the LiipImagineBundle does for Symfony

Extending Imagine filters for easier filter definition


This package contains the class to cascade the translation and the interface for fine ui.


Fine is a PHP internationalisation package. It will help you provide applications that support several languages. FINE means: Fine is not english :). Translation is performed using PHP mapping files, but you will have a nice graphical interface in the Mouf framework to write your own translated messages.


Package to Export/Import all translation with Excel files of Fine i18n element.


This package contains the class to cascade the translation, default instance and the interface for fine ui.


Fine is a PHP internationalisation package. It will help you provide applications that support several languages. FINE means: Fine is not english :). This package provides a DB mapper that stores translations in database.


Fine is a PHP internationalisation package. It will help you provide applications that support several languages. FINE means: Fine is not english :). Translation is performed using PHP mapping files, but you will have a nice graphical interface in the Mouf framework to write your own translated messages.


Language detection is a PHP internationalisation package, it depends of translation-interface. This package contain many class to return a language select for internationalisation. It's could be with : Browser detection, fix language, data set in session, a link between domain name and language or a cascading of many solutions. The language can be used to translate message in fin or whatever.


This package contains the user interface to manage all the fine translation.


This package contains a bridge between the Symfony TranslatorInterface and FINE. Using this package, FINE can implement Symfony's TranslatorInterface and therefore, can be used with any Symfony component using this interface


This package contains two interfaces shared by all translation services. The LanguageDetectionInterface is used to detect the current language for the user while the TranslatorInterface is used to translate strings.


This package contains two interfaces shared by all translation services. The LanguageDetectionInterface is used to detect the current language for the user while the LanguageTranslationInterface is used to translate strings.


This package can be used to perform advanced logging: the logs are stored in database (using the DBLogger), then are analysed and aggregated (using the LogStats package). This package provides a way to send a mail automatically every night to the admin, summarizing the logs of the day.


This package contains a logger that stores the logs in database.


This package contains a logger that logs messages directly to the PHP error log (using the error_log PHP function)


This package contains a class that acts as a logger. It purpose is to apply a filter on logs and forward the logs to another logger that will take care of storing the log.


This package contains an interface used by many components to log messages. Please download a logger package that implements this interface (like the utils.log.errorlog_logger package)


This package contains a logger that sends a mail when a log message is received.


Use this package if you want a logger that logs to several places at the same time. Using a MultiLogger, you can append several loggers. For instance, you might want to write in the error log using the ErrorLogLogger and to send a mail to the admin using the MailLogger...


This package contains a PSR-3 compatible logger that logs messages directly to the PHP error log (using the error_log PHP function)


This package contains a PSR-3 compatible logger that wrap a set of loggers


This package contains everything needed to aggregate database into stats that can be viewed and sorted.


This package contains a mailer that does not send any mail! Instead, it stores the mail to be sent in a database 'mails' table. The DB mailer can later forward the mail to a real mailer that will indeed send the mail.


This package contains interfaces and classes describing mails. It also contains the MailerService interface that should be implemented by any service that can send mails. You should use a package implementing this interface (like the SmtpMailer package.


This package contains a mailer that uses a SMTP server to send mail. The package is a wrapper around the Zend_Mail class of the Zend framework.


This package contains a mailer for the Mouf framework that uses a SMTP server to send mail. The package is a wrapper around the Swift_Mailer class of Swift.

This package contains a class that mimics a web browser. Using the Curl HTML Browser, you can easily query a web site in HTTP or HTTPS, and analyze the HTML answered. The Curl HTML Browser will handle sessions for you, so you can use it to log into a website and retrieve data from the logged part of the website. As the name implies, this package is based on the CURL library, and therefore, the CURL PHP extension must be installed on your machine.


This package contains a set of utility functions for Mouf to ease the way you can build packages.


A patch system designed for Mouf than enables developers to know what patch has been run and what needs to be run on its environment. Very useful for database patches.


Session handler that releases session lock quickly. Useful for multiple ajax calls on the same page.


This package is used to manage sessions. It provides a DefaultSessionManager class that you can use to configure your PHP sessions, and a SessionManagerInterface that you can implement if you want to provide your own session management.


This package is used to manage task in RabbitMq. It provides classes to create task in RabbitMq and consums it.


This package is used to manage task in RabbitMq. It provides classes to create task in RabbitMq and consums it.


This package contains common classes that implement the ValueInterface interface (from the mouf/utils.value.value-interface package).


This package contains an interface used by many objects to say they represent a value that can be computed. The concept is very simple, and very powerful at the same time.


This package provides a StackPHP middleware for using the Whoops error handling library