

The interface EditTranslationInterface can be implement to use the Mouf interface on the translator. Many new method must be implement to recover, save and edit a translation. - getTranslationsForLanguage($language): Return an array with all the translation for a language (code on 2 characters). The key is the fine key and the value is the translation. - getTranslationsForKey($language): Return an array with all the translation for a language (code on 2 characters). The key is the fine key and the value is the translation. - deleteTranslation($key, $language = null): Remove a translation for a language (code on 2 characters). - setTranslation($key, $value, $language): Set the translation for a key and language. The value is the string of the translation. - setTranslationsForLanguage(array $messages, $language): Set many translation to save it. The messages array is an associate table with in key, the fine key and the value, the string translation. - setTranslationsForKey(array $messages, $key): Set many translation to save it. The messages array is an associate table with in key, the language and the value, the string translation. - getAllTranslationByLanguage(): This function return an 2 dimensions array. The first key is the language code on 2 characters and the value is an associate array, the key is the fine key and the value is the translation string. - getLanguageList(): Return an array with all language (code on 2 characters). - getAllKey(): Return an array with all the key.


You can use this trait to implement some method for Mouf interface. It's is not mandatory, but is more easier to use it. - setTranslationsForLanguage: Save many translations in one time, for one language. This function call the setTranslation for each values. - setTranslationsForKey: Save many translations in one time, for one key. This function call the setTranslation for each values. - getAllTranslationByLanguage: This function call the function getLanguageList and the getTranslationForLanguage. - getAllKey: return the key of the getAllTranslationByLanguage result.


The class EditTranslationUtils contains a static value getAllPossibleLanguages to get all the possible language.

Proxy connection

This class contains method to call the api via a curl mouf proxy. - getAllMessagesFromService: Get all translation. - getTranslationsForKeyFromService: Get all translation for a key. - setTranslationsForKeyFromService: Send a translation for a key. - setTranslationsForMessageFromService: Set all messages. - setTranslationForMessageFromService: Set one message. - deleteTranslationFromService: Delete a translation with the fine key. It's possible to set the language to delete a specific value.

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