Utility functionsWeak instances

Integrating your package with Mouf full-text search

What is a Mouf full-text search?

In the Mouf interface, there is a search box available on all the pages of the application. When you perform a search through this box, Mouf is searching through all the instances, etc...

When you write a package, you can decide to hook into the full-text search to add your own results.

Things you should know about full-text search

Full-text search is run asynchronously. Each module is run as an Ajax request that returns HTML that will be displayed in the results page.

Developing you own full-text search module

Writing the controller part

The code that performs the search should be put in a controller that implements the MoufSearchable interface.

namespace Mouf;

 * This interface should be implemented by any controller that can be accessed for full-text search.
interface MoufSearchable {

     * Outputs HTML that will be displayed in the search result screen.
     * If there are no results, this should not return anything.
     * @Action
     * @param string $query The full-text search query performed.
     * @param string $selfedit Whether we are in self-edit mode or not.
    public function search($query, $selfedit = "false");

     * Returns the name of the search module.
     * This name in displayed when the search is pending.
     * @return string
    public function getSearchModuleName();

Start by implementing this interface. For instance:

class MyController extends Controller implements MoufSearchable {


     * Outputs HTML that will be displayed in the search result screen.
     * If there are no results, this should not return anything.
     * @Action
     * @param string $query The full-text search query performed.
     * @param string $selfedit Whether we are in self-edit mode or not.
    public function search($query, $selfedit = "false") {
        echo "<p>Your search results go here</p>";

     * Returns the name of the search module.
     * This name in displayed when the search is pending.
     * @return string
    public function getSearchModuleName() {
        return "my module name";

Registering the full-text search

The controller should be registered inside the searchService instance. For your controller to be taken into account, it must be added to the $searchableServices array of the searchService instance.

To do this automatically for your module, you can add a src/RegisterSearchModule.php file.


MoufAdmin::getSearchService()->searchableServices[] = MoufAdmin::getMyController();

Now, it is time to register the RegisterSearchModule.php script into Mouf. We do this in the composer.json:


    "extra" : {
        "mouf" : {
            "require-admin" : [
Important: Mouf will not detect any changes you make to composer.json unless you commit/push the changes in your repository and you run a php composer.phar update. In other words, the composer.json file taken into account by Mouf is the one coming from Packagist, not the one on your hard disk.
Utility functionsWeak instances

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