Installing Mouf
To run Mouf 2, you will need PHP 5.3.2+ running on Apache. The php_curl and php_openssl extensions must be enabled, as well as the mod_rewrite for Apache.
Download Mouf 2:
Mouf comes as a composer package (the name of the package is mouf/mouf)
Downloading Composer
Not used to Composer? Here is a guide to install it.
Using Linux or MacOS
The first step is installing Composer. This is essentially a one line process. At the root of your project directory, type:
curl -s | php
Using Windows
Windows users can download the phar file at the bottom of the page here: Past the composer.phar file at the root of your project.
Using Composer to download Mouf
At this point, you should have a composer.phar file at the root of your project.
In the same directory create a composer.json
{ "require": { "mouf/mouf": "~2.0" }, "minimum-stability": "dev" }
and finally, from the command line, at the root of your project, run:
php composer.phar install
For Windows users, make sure your "php.exe" file is part of your PATH environment variable.
Install Mouf 2:
Once Mouf 2 is downloaded, you still have to do the setup. For this, start your browser and navigate to: http://[yourserver]/[yourapp]/vendor/mouf/mouf
You will see the install screen:
Choose a login and a password to log into Mouf. Then, click the "Install" button. You are done! If the install completed successfully, you should see the Mouf main page:
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