Read meTroubleshooting install

Installing Mouf


To run Mouf 2, you will need PHP 5.3.2+ running on Apache. The php_curl and php_openssl extensions must be enabled, as well as the mod_rewrite for Apache.

Note: Although Mouf only requires PHP 5.3.2+, a set of Mouf packages (especially those related to renderers) will require PHP 5.4+, so it might be a good idea to start with the highest possible PHP version.

Download Mouf 2:

Mouf comes as a composer package (the name of the package is mouf/mouf)

Downloading Composer

Not used to Composer? Here is a guide to install it.

Using Linux or MacOS

The first step is installing Composer. This is essentially a one line process. At the root of your project directory, type:

curl -s | php

Using Windows

Windows users can download the phar file at the bottom of the page here: Past the composer.phar file at the root of your project.

Heads up! Windows users should not use the Composer Windows installer. Instead, download the "phar" file and put it at the root of your project. Mouf requires that file to be at this exact place.

Using Composer to download Mouf

At this point, you should have a composer.phar file at the root of your project. In the same directory create a composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "mouf/mouf": "~2.0"
    "minimum-stability": "dev" 

and finally, from the command line, at the root of your project, run:

php composer.phar install

For Windows users, make sure your "php.exe" file is part of your PATH environment variable.

Install Mouf 2:

Once Mouf 2 is downloaded, you still have to do the setup. For this, start your browser and navigate to: http://[yourserver]/[yourapp]/vendor/mouf/mouf

You will see the install screen:

Choose a login and a password to log into Mouf. Then, click the "Install" button. You are done! If the install completed successfully, you should see the Mouf main page:

Read meTroubleshooting install

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