What is this package?

This package contains base objects and interfaces to describe menus and menu items. Basically, using interfaces and objects of this package, you can describe a menu.

The menu concept is completely abstract. You won't find in this package a "toHtml" method that would render the menu in HTML. Instead, you define a menu using the Menu and MenuItem objects, and you use a third-party "MenuRenderer" to render the object in HTML.

Obviously, this package is useless on its own. It is useful only if you use a menu renderer.

Mouf package

This package is part of Mouf (http://mouf-php.com), an effort to ensure good developing practices by providing a graphical dependency injection framework. Using Mouf's user interface, you can create your menu graphically, by creating instances of Menu and MenuItem.

In practice

A menu is defined using the Menu class. The Menu class can contain many MenuItem. Each menuitem can contain many MenuItem.

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