
How to use Simple File Uploader

This object provides a simple use of File Upload with few lines of code. When you upload a file, it is saved in temp folder. After the form save you could retrieve all file send and move it in your folder

Step 1: create instance

Create an instance of Simple File Uploader. In our example is named : simpleFileUpload File Upload create instance File Upload create instance found File Upload create instance name

Next, set the parameters : - input name: It's like the name of your input element in a form; - directory: to store your file; - session: sessionManagerInterface to start the session automatically.

Others parameters are mandatory. The most important: - OnlyOneFile: If you want to send only 1 file (many by default). This delete the file contain in the destination folder to store only one. Note: it's not a graphic parameter; - noTemporary : You can activate it to don't send the file in the temporary folder. The file is saved in the destination folder; - fileExtensions: Limit the extension name of file send; - sizeLimit: The max size of file in byte; - minSizeLimit: The min size of file in byte; - fileName: To rename the file with a name; - multiple: authorize the user to send many file in 1 time (by drag & drop or explorer). Note: It's only a graphic parameter.

File Upload instance

Add in your controller

Add your instance in your controller

     * @var SimpleFileUploaderWidget
    public $fileUpload;

In Mouf add to your controller the fileUpload instance File Upload instance to controller

Add in your form

Add the code in your form to display the button :

<form action="your_method" method="post">
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send" />

File Upload form

Retrieve your files

In the save action, you could retrieve the file. The parameter is the name of hidden input passed in inputName (above).

Move all file in your folder:


If you want to change the destination folder (example: to add an id)

    $this->fileupload->moveFile(null, 'my_new_folder');

There is a function to get the list of files in temporary folder:


In listener afterUpload

Your controller (class) must implements FileUploaderOnUploadInterface. you will add 2 functions beforeUpload and afterUpload. In afterUpload you could move your file with the function moveFileWithoutSave. The first parameter is ALWAYS $result['targetFolder'].


A quick note about file encoding

If a user tries to input non-latin character in the uploaded file name, the file name will be URL-encoded before being stored on the server's disk. This is because all file systems do not support the same character sets. By URL-encoding the file name, we make sure the file name can be read on any operating system.


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