What is this package?
This package contains a base Mouf template based on the Twitter Bootstrap library.
Bootstrap template
The Bootstrap template is a classical 1-2-3 column layout with a header and a footer. It adapts automatically, so if you put nothing in the left column, it will disappear. Using the template instance, you can customize the with of the column, etc...
Bootstrap menu rendererer
So basically, if you are declaring your menus in Mouf, and if you use Bootstrap, this help you render the menus. The renderer is making extensive use of objects declared in the (mouf\html.widgets.menu)[https://github.com/thecodingmachine/html.widgets.menu] package).
Mouf package
This package is part of Mouf (http://mouf-php.com), an effort to ensure good developing practices by providing a graphical dependency injection framework. Using Mouf's user interface, you can create your menu graphically, by creating instances of Menu and MenuItem.
In practice
A menu is defined using the Menu class. The Menu class can contain many MenuItem. Each menuitem can contain many MenuItem. You pass a Menu instance to the BootstrapMenuRenderer::toHtml and it will render the menu.
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