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Mouf's Twig extensions

The rendering engine comes with a set of Twig extensions.

toHtml function

In your Twig templates, you can use the toHtml function to call the toHtml() method of any object implementing the HtmlElementInterface interface.

Here is a sample use case:

{{ toHtml(this.element) }}

If your object is a Mouf instance, you can also pass the instance name to "toHtml". For instance:

{{ toHtml("myInstanceName") }}

Note that using an instance name is not the best practice, as you are tying your template to the dependency injection controller.

val function

In your Twig templates, you can use the val function to call the val() method of any object implementing the ValueInterface interface.

{% for row in val(this.myRequest) %}
{% endfor %}

mouf function

In your Twig templates, you can use the mouf function to retrieve an instance from the dependency injection controller. This is not a best practice, but can still be useful some times.

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