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Regenerating DAOs

The basic edition of Getting things done comes with TDBM (The DataBase Machine). When you installed your project, TDBM generated the DAOs and beans for your database model.

DAOs "Data Access Objects". There is one DAO per table in your database model and each DAO let's you access the rows of the database. Each row is stored in a "bean".

For instance, if you have a users table, TDBM will generate a UserDao class to access the database, and results from the database will be stored in UserBean objects.

Each time you modify your database model, you will need to regenerate the DAOs and Beans.

To do this:

Connect to the Mouf user interface (http://[your-server]/[your-app]/vendor/mouf/mouf/) Click on the DB > DAOs > Generate DAOs menu.

Regenerate DAOs

You usually do not need to modify the parameters. Just click the Generate DAOs button, and you are done!

Adding JS and CSS filesWriting a datagrid

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